Helping people to deal with bereavement

When a friend or relative is dealing with bereavement, we may feel a bit useless, not sure how to act around them or what to do to help them. At times we can get too “positive” in a desire to help them get through this stage in their lives. Or we may avoid them altogether, […]

Secure Haven’s new bereavement officer

A funeral home’s newest recruit is happy in his work…providing he’s given plenty of attention and treats. Otis the cocker spaniel is the latest bereavement support officer to join the team at Secure Haven Funeral Directors, in Chelmsford, Essex. And the pooch is earning his wages by helping grieving families to deal with the pain […]

How to cope with Christmas when you’re grieving

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Christmas. Some of you reading this will be facing your first Christmas alone and wondering how you’re going to cope. Others will be wondering whether they’re going to cope this time. Many people will notice a person shaped hole in their heart many years after the loss. Equally […]